
Fortification of foods (Brazil)

In Brazil, food fortification is the process of adding one or more essential nutrients, whether naturally occurring in the food or not, to enhance its nutritional value or address nutritional deficiencies. Certain foods are mandated to undergo fortification: salt intended for human consumption must be fortified with io-dine, and wheat and corn flours must be enriched with iron and folic acid, as outlined in Brazilian FDA (Anvisa) Reso-lution No. 604/2022. Anvisa Resolution No. 714/2022 provides the criteria and applicable requirements for food fortification. These in-clude: (i) avoiding the introduction or formation of harmful or inappropriate substances; (ii) ensuring that added es-sential nutrients do not reach therapeutic levels in the foods; and (iii) using ingredients as sources of essential nutri-ents that are both bioavailable and safe. If food fortification is conducted at or above the levels stipulated by Anvisa regulations, the product must include ex-pressions like "fortified with vitamins" and "fortified with minerals" in its conventional sales name. Furthermore, for-tification with vitamins and minerals should comply with the list of authorized substances by Anvisa for this purpose (e.g., Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, etc.).

This is general information rather than legal advice and is current as of 30 May 2024. We recommend you contact a specialised food lawyer for legal advice for your particular circumstances to support commercial decisions which could impact your product or business.

Gustavo Swenson Caetano

Mattos Filho