
Definitions of vegetarian and vegan (Argentina)

In 2022, vegetarian and vegan foods were recognized and incorporated into the Argentine Food Code (CAA) by Joint Regulation No. 5/2022, issued by the Secretary of Quality in Health and the Secretary of Food, Bioeconomy and Re-gional Development. Section 229 of the CAA states that products that do not contain ingredients of animal origin and/or their derivatives (including additives and coadjutants) may include the label “Only with plant originated ingredients”, “100% plant-based” or “Made from plants”, provided that manufacturers and/or importers evidence such condition to the appli-cable health authority, within the product authorization process. Additionally, Section 229 of the CAA indicates that the term “vegan” is reserved for products that do not contain in-gredients of animal origin and/or their derivatives (including additives and coadjutants), and whose manufacturers and/or importers demonstrate to the competent authorities that their processes and management system ensure compliance with the criteria mentioned above, which may also be verified by an officially recognized entity. These products may include the labels “vegan product” or “vegan food”. Lastly, Section 229 of the CAA indicates that the term “vegetarian” is used for products that do not contain ingredi-ents from animals or their derivatives, including additives and coadjutants, except for the following ingredients or their components/derivatives: (i) milk and dairy products; (ii) eggs or egg products, obtained from live animals and/or (iii) honey or bee-derived products. Products meeting these criteria may display labels such as “vegetarian product” or “vegetarian food”, provided that manufacturers and importers evidence this condition to the applicable health authority within the product authorization process.

This is general information rather than legal advice and is current as of 30 May 2024. We recommend you contact a specialised food lawyer for legal advice for your particular circumstances to support commercial decisions which could impact your product or business.

Martín Mosteirin

Marval O'Farrell Mairal