Country of origin requirements (COOL) (France)
Labelling of the origin of a foodstuff is regulated at European level by Regulation No. 1169/2011, which requires this information in certain cases:
- when its omission could mislead the consumer as to the real origin of the foodstuff,
- when the origin of the primary ingredient differs from that claimed for the foodstuff,
- in the presence of specific European regulations (e.g. olive oil, honey, fruit and vegetables, beef, pork, sheep, goat and poultry, etc.)
- in the presence of specific national regulations.
In France, there are texts requiring the indication of origin, notably for beef, pork, sheep and poultry meat in out-of-home catering establishments, honey and royal jelly, cocoa- or chocolate-based products, wine, beer, perishable food products in case of advertising with a price reduction, etc.
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